31 oct. 2011
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Playlist of the week is devoted to Dancehall - Reggae. This playlist Highlights artists known and unknown to the general public.
We hope you enjoy listening and see you next week.
We hope you enjoy listening and see you next week.
Playlist de cette semaine est consacrée à la Dancehall - Reggae. Cette Playlist met
en évidence des artistes connus et peu connus du grand public.
On Vous Souhaite une bonne écoute et à la Semaine Prochaine.
01 - Sizzla - How Long
02 - Vybz Kartel ft Sheba - Like Xmas
03 - Nicky B - Tik Tok
04 - Konshens - I've Got To Go
05 - Toi Ft Konshens - All Night Party
06 - Busy Signal ft Akane - Hold Me
04 - Konshens - I've Got To Go
05 - Toi Ft Konshens - All Night Party
06 - Busy Signal ft Akane - Hold Me
07 - Gyptian - All Over
08 - Blak Diamond - Every Girl
09 - Chedda - Street Dreamz
10 - Vybz Kartel - She Wah More
Usher Attacked By Screaming Lady
Last weekend, Ursh was trying to have a lowkey day and some Halloween fun when he was attacked in the parking lot of a Little Five Points store by a screaming lady. According to a video obtained by TMZ , the woman became furious when he parked in a handicapparking spot and proceeded to attack him when he wouldn’t move his car.
It’s bad enough she was making a scene in the parking lot…but her
kids were on hand to see her acting a plum fool. They can be heard in
the background screaming. Meanwhile Usher didn’t appear to have any
bodyguards on deck but Elvis Presley and other onlookers helped keep the
woman off of him (even though it looks like she got a hit in there).
Lil Wayne on Nicki Minaj: “I’m not satisfied with anything she’s done”
The Young Money
head honcho recently revealed in his Vibe Magazine November 2011 cover
story that his female protege is nowhere near the end and has a lot of
work left to do in order to impress him.
“I’m not satisfied with anything she’s done. I believe she can do a whole lot more, and I believe she will do a whole lot more. It’s not shocking, and it’s not surprising. It’s quite fitting. But other than that, it’s nowhere near the end.” (Source)
Sound a little harsh … but at least he has high hopes. Wonder if Nicky can make.
Youssou N'Dour et Yvonne Chaka Chaka chantent « Proud to be » pour lutter contre les faux médicaments
Produit par Interpol et officiellement lancée le jeudi 27 octobre à Nairobi au Kenya,« Proud to be » permettra de sensibiliser les populations aux risques sanitaires qu'engendre la consommation de faux médicaments. Ce phénomène touche tous les pays en voie de développement, particulièrement le continent africain.
Dans le cadre de son action de lutte contre le trafic de faux médicaments, la fondation Chirac collabore avec Interpol depuis l'Appel de Cotonou d'octobre 2009. Ensemble, les deux institutions agissent pour une meilleure information du grand public et la mise en place de plans d'action pluridisciplinaires dans les Etats touchés.
Le continent africain est une des régions du monde les plus concernées par le trafic de faux médicaments qui, à l'inverse du trafic de drogue dont il emprunte les méthodes et qu'il dépasse en bénéfices financiers, n'est pas sanctionné par des législations adéquates. Dans certains pays, 70 % des anti-paludéens vendus ne correspondent pas aux normes ou sont falsifiés. Ils peuvent avoir des conséquences désastreuses sur les consommateurs. Les faux médicaments ne soignent pas les patients, peuvent créer des pharmaco-résistances, et sont parfois mortels lorsqu'ils sont toxiques.
Yvonne Chaka Chaka : connue sous le nom de « Princesse de l'Afrique », est l'une des chanteuses sud-africaines les populaires de son pays. Elle a écrit la chanson « Proud to Be » à laquelle s'est joint Youssou N'Dour. Le chanteur et percussionniste reconnu à l'international a très souvent mis son art au service des grandes causes. En tant qu'ambassadeur de bonne volonté au sein de plusieurs organisations internationales et membre du Comité d'Honneur de la fondation Chirac, il fait campagne contre la pauvreté en Afrique.
INTERPOL constate actuellement l'existence d'un nombre inquiétant d'affaires internationales liées à la fabrication, au commerce et à la distribution de médicaments illicites et de contrefaçon. L'Organisation coopère avec ses 188 Etats membres, des organisations partenaires, et les différents acteurs concernés des secteurs public et privé pour déstabiliser les réseaux criminels qui engrangent des profits considérables sans aucune considération pour la santé des gens.
JILL SCOTT en Concert au Bataclan
Après avoir tourné tout l'été 2000 dans son pays, la voilà qui arrive en France, et apparemment elle aurait des projets de collaborations très intéressants pour l'an prochain. Pour répondre à la question « Who is Jill Scott ? » (le titre de son premier album) disons simplement que Jill Scott est douée. Jill Scott a grandi et vit toujours dans le nord de Philadelphie, la grande ville provinciale des USA. Pendant que Jazzy Jeff et Fresh Prince animaient les fêtes du Lycée Central et que les Roots chantaient dans la rue, Jill lisait de la poésie à l'October Gallery. Amir (Brother Questlove), le batteur des Roots, eut l'occasion de voir Jill sur scène et en parla au producteur Scott Storch. Le groupe invita ensuite Jill en studio et une fois sur place, elle écrivit en cinq minutes les paroles du futur succès « You Got Me ». C'est ce morceau, repris par la suite par Erykah Badu, qui a permis à The Roots de remporter un Grammy Award en 1999 pour la Meilleur Performance de Rap. Depuis lors, Jill Scott a collaboré avec d'autres grands noms du R'n'B tels que Eric Benet , Will Smith (« Wild Wild West ») ou Common (« Like Water for Chocolate »). Avec son style mêlant poésie et chant, le timbre de Jill Scott se démarque du reste de la production, en étant à la fois très modulable et complètement libre d'influences. Grâce aux contributions des producteurs de talent Jazzy Jeff et James Poyser son premier album nous fait découvrir une artiste à multiples facettes avec des histoires vraies et émouvantes à raconter.
30 oct. 2011
Keri Hilson Attacked Live on Stage by Crazed Fan " VIDEO "
Keri Hilson narrowly escaped injury after an overzealous fan ran up and snatched her up during a recent concert in Paris.
The R&B songstress was performing a song from her latest album “No Boys Allowed” when a guy rushed the stage and grabbed her for a hug. Within seconds, security jumped into action, grabbing the fan and knocking him to the ground. In the video footage, Keri looked to take a blow of her own in the process.
Despite the close encounter with the crazed fan, Keri kept her composure and continued on with the show. She even joked about the incident a little bit afterwards, tweeting:
To the guy who ran on stage & stole a kiss, I LOVE YOU TOO. Didn’t appreciate how u were handled. But next time, enjoy from the audience ;)
I just learned that dude jumped from the 2nd story balcony for the task… ok, so maybe he was a lil crazy! Just jokes. I love my fans, yo!!!
Rihanna Catches Heat From Anti-Rape Group for Being ‘An Object To Be Possessed By Men’
Riri is no stranger to controversy when it comes to her music videos.
This year alone, her racy ‘S&M’ video was seen as too hot for
television and famed photographer Dave LaChapelle sued her (and settled
out of court) for allegedly stealing his ideas and ‘Man Down’ was
criticized because the video showed a sexually assaulted Rihanna
shooting the man who abused her. Now, her latest video for ‘We Found
Love’ has offended the Rape Crisis Center who say that she portrayed
herself as “an object to be possessed by men.”
The criticism centers around the scenes where her leading man in the
video Dudley O’Shaughnessy, spanks her and tattoos ‘Mine’ on her behind.
While many are alleging that the video mirrors her relationship with
ex-boyfriend Chris Brown before it ended after their 2009 domestic
violence incident, Ellen Kelly of the Rape Crisis Center is calling
Rihanna’s video a “disgrace” and questioning the message Rihanna is
trying to send to fans.
“Rihanna’s new video is a disgrace. It sends the message that she is an object to be possessed by men, which is disturbingly what we see in real violence cases.”
The director of the video, Melina Matsoukas, defended the work saying
that domestic violence isn’t the topic at hand, it’s more about being
in an unhealthy relationship.
“In the end, it’s not really at all about domestic violence. It’s really just about it being toxic… It’s not trying to glorify that type of relationship. The bad parts of it, that’s what you don’t want. In the end, her leaving, it represents her getting that out of her life.”
While Melina claims that the video is saying that toxic relationships exist, Ellen argues that the video is promoting them.
Drake’s Sex Game Exposed by Ex-Girlfriend Ms. Cat from Bad Girls Club: “He’s a phenominal peach eater … and his black side is Mandigo”
Drake may play the Mr. Nice Guy role … but even he breaks a few hearts every now and then!
During a recent interview with Philly’s Hot 107.9, Catya Washington (aka Ms. Cat)
from “Bad Girls Club” spilled the beans on her relationship with
Drizzy, his sex game, and why they eventually broke things off.
Check out excerpts from her interview below:
On how she met Drake
We met on the set of “Best I Ever Had.” It was real cool! We sat on
the bleachers on set directed by Kanye [West]. Having fun, tweeted each
other back and forth–real cool. Never thought it would go anywhere just
cool, kicking it. The next thing you know I’m in Toronto and we’re having dinner.
He flew me out to Toronto and we started kicking it and liking each
other. One flight turned into ten then the next thing you know I got a
toothbrush in there and it’s on.
How long did it take for you to get from just dating to a relationship?
Like a month. It was like 0 to 60.
You moved to Toronto?
Yeah, I was actually there and packed up and was like “I’m out….I’m in love.”
Did you meet his mom?
Yeah, she’s a very nice lady.
Did she know you like, “Oh, what’s your name again?” or she KNEW you?
Well, at first it was like that but then it was like, “Oh this hoe is
still around, huh? Oh, she’s still here.” After a while it was like,
“Hey, Mom!” I’m from Philly and I’m in Toronto now…that’s my boo.
How long did it take you to go from condom to no condom?
That’s assuming there was ever one involved.
On if she was in love with Drake
Of course, it was an awesome relationship. I was in love, he was in
love and by the way in the song he said he was in love, so don’t try to
switch it up now. I never mentioned you, you mentioned me. It was good.
I’m talking family dinners and we in Whole Foods
pushing the cart around. It was a regular relationship. I was in love
and he was in love but at the end of the day he started getting a little
bit too loose. Meaning he pops up in the tabloids with Maliah, trips to
Jamaica that I wasn’t invited to or never heard about. I’m from Philly
and we don’t go for that.
It’s a problem [when] you had the kind of relationship we had. That
was my dude; it wasn’t somebody I was just kicking it with. If you were
just kicking it, you can do what you wanna do but I was yours and you
were mine.
On if he gave her gifts
He’s a very kind-hearted individual. We traveled a lot and we shopped
so of course the price tag got a little expensive. A Car, bills
paid..but we were together so it wasn’t like he was tricking.
On if he’s well endowed
He is a phenomenal “peach eater” and he is black and Jewish and the black side is Mandingo.
On why they broke up
Well, we broke up because I wanted to do the Bad Girls Club and that
was a whole big issue too. I was like, “I have my own career and I need
to move forward to and he was kind of like “I really don’t want you to
go on there and embarrass me.” I was like, “Well, you know my career is
my career. You know you’re Drake and you’re cool but I need to be cool
too. I can’t sit around and try to get pregnant by you and be a baby
mama. I need to make a career for myself.”
B.o.B Reveals Features On Upcoming ‘Strange Clouds’ Album
B.o.B had a pre-album listening session for some of
his closest friends and journalists at Altanta’s Tree Sound Studios and
he played 7 new songs from the album Strage Clouds, revealing some of
the features from the album. Along with Lil Wayne, who is on the top 10
single “Strange Clouds”, we’re going to see some contributions from Big K.R.I.T, Nelly, Andre 3000, T.I., and One Republic.
Michael Jackson serait mort en se suicidant
La défense du docteur Murray a abattu vendredi sa dernière carte en présentant à la barre un témoin de poids : le Dr Paul White, un expert mondialement connu du propofol.
Devant la cour de Los Angeles, l'expert anesthésiste a avancé la thèse du suicide, assurant que seul Michael Jackson avait pu s'administrer la dose mortelle de sédatif.
D'après le Dr Paul White, Michael Jackson "s'est auto-injecté, avant midi, une dose supplémentaire de 25 mg"
Avant d'ajouter que la théorie présentée par l'accusation n'était pas compatible avec les déclarations du Dr Conrad Murray et les pièces à conviction trouvées dans la chambre de la star.
Après ce témoignage choc, le témoin de la défense sera interrogé par la partie adverse lundi avant que le jury ne s'isole pour la délibération.
COLDPLAY en Concert le 31 Octobre
Le quatuor composé de Chris Martin (chant), Jon Buckland (guitare), Will Champion (batterie) et Guy Berryman (basse) se forme en 1998 à l'Université de Londres avec comme références Travis, Jeff Buckley ou l'Oasis des débuts. Leurs chansons doucement mélancoliques intéressent le label Parlophone qui les signent. Après une série de singles, leur album « Parachutes » sort fin 2000 se plaçant directement à la première place des charts british, et s'écoulant à plus de 100 000 exemplaires en quelques jours... La hype continue à enfler autour de ces charmants garçons, jusqu'à ce que des ennuis de santé compromettent leur première tournée US. Mais vite rétablis, ils commencent 2001 en beauté en étant doublement couronnés aux Brit Award des récompenses du « Meilleur Groupe » et « Album de l'année ».Façon de reconnaître que le groupe possède un réel sens de la mélodie teintée de mélancolie contemplative. Bien sûr, l'album n'est pas d'une originalité fracassante, mais il y a là comme une synthèse de tout ce que la pop a produit de meilleur ces dix dernières années de Jeff Buckley à Deus en passant par Radiohead. On y retrouve de douces ballades à la guitare acoustique sur accords de piano romantiques qui prouvent que Coldplay pourrait, peut-être, devenir le grand groupe qu'il rêve encore d'être.
COLDPLAY sera en concert à La Cigale à Paris le 31 0ctobre 2011 à 20H00.
Un jeune indien vient de reproduire l’histoire de Slumdog Millionaire en vrai
Trop pauvre pour avoir une télé, un jeune indien vient tout de même de gagner le jackpot de 50 millions de roupies (soit environ 710 000 €) à l’émission locale "Qui veut gagner des millions?" . Une première en Inde.
Comme dans le célèbre film de Danny Boyle, Sushil Kumar était très pauvre. Agé de 26 ans, il ne gagnait que l’équivalent de 75 € par mois en tant que fonctionnaire. Sa famille était si pauvre, que pour regarder le jeu télévisé il devait aller chez des voisins, ne pouvant se payer une télé. Voyant que le jeune homme répondait correctement à toutes les questions, ce sont eux qui l’ont convaincu de s’inscrire.
Très raisonnable, Sushil Kumar veut pour l’instant utiliser son petit pactole pour s’offrir une prépa à un examen des services civils, connu pour être particulièrement ardu, et ensuite acheter une maison pour lui et sa jeune épouse, puis enfin aider financièrement sa famille. Généreux, le jeune homme souhaiterait également offrir une bibliothèque à son village, pour que les enfants puissent bénéficier de l’éducation qu’il aurait lui-même aimé avoir.
29 oct. 2011
Beyonce Praises Kelly Rowland
''My Girl Is One of the Hardest-Working Women''
Beyonce recently did an interview with the British magazine New! and discussed her bestie Kelly Rowland's career and also talked about whether or not Ms. Rowland has any future plans for motherhood. Beyonce had nothing but praise for her former Destiny's Child bandmate.
"My girl is one of the hardest-working women in the industry,"
Beyonce said about Kelly. "We have known each other for so long, we are
like sisters. She isn't just somebody I was in a group with, this girl
is my family."
She also shared her thoughts on Kelly's future Momma-hood.
"You know Kelly loves kids, and she will 100 per cent be a mum in the
future," Beyonce says. "She is a busy girl at the moment, but when she
feels the time is right and she;s don what she wants, then she is going
to make a fantastic mum!"
Justin Bieber Collaborating With Drake And Kanye West On Next LP
Justin Bieber has already begun molding himself into
a pseudo hip hop star, now he is continuing to work on his sophomore
album My World 2.0 and he’s pulling out some of the biggest names in hip
hop. The Biebster enlists Kanye West and Drake to both put in work on
his upcoming album, Believe – which is scheduled for an early 2012
Justin Bieber’s Christmas album Under The Mistletoe hwoever will be
released next Tuesdy on November 1st, featuring Usher, Chris Brown, Boyz
II Men, Mariah Carey, and Busta Rhymes.
Un beatboxer Ghanéen de 7 ans
Un jeune beatboxer du Ghana, agé de tout juste 7 ans, nous fait une démonstration plutôt impressionnante de sa technique de beatbox.
Blackberry P’9981 : Le smartphone en partenariat avec Porsche
Ce nouveau Blackberry baptisé Blackberry Porsche P’9981 vient d’être dévoilé à Dubai lors d’un évènement presse commun.
On retrouve le design des modèles de téléphones Porsche précédent avec des matériaux acier et cuir. Au niveau technique, la machine reste dans la moyenne actuelle avec un processeur cadencé à 1Ghz, et un APN de 5M pixels avec caméra 720p HD. On notera quand même la présence d’un lecteur de puce NFC et de la version 7.0 de Blackberry OS.
Le prix annoncé du Blackberry Porsche P’9981 est aux alentours de 2000 USD et le nombre de pièces est limité.
28 oct. 2011
SSX - Survive It trailer
La célèbre saga de snowboard SSX revient sur consoles
HD. Toujours axé arcade, vitesse et acrobaties, SSX proposera pour la
première fois d'affronter les éléments à travers neuf descentes
Voici le trailer "Survive It"
Uncharted 3 L'Illusion de Drake sur PlayStation 3 - Trailer de lancement US
Uncharted 3 est l'un des jeux les plus attendus de ce second semestre 2011. Voici le trailer de lancement US.
Sortie en France : le 2 novembre 2011 (1er novembre 2011 aux Etats-Unis - 2 novembre 2011 au Japon).
Beyoncé and Jay-Z Expecting A Girl ?
After announcing her pregnancy official in late August, and dropping
the date of birth which is tentatively February – many have been
wondering about what the sex of the golden child of hip hop’s power
couple, Beyoncé and Jay-Z, would be. The speculation may be over, at least according to InTouch Magazine.
“Beyonce is thrilled she’s having a daughter. She and her mother are so close, and she’s wanted to have that relationship with her own child,” a ‘close source’ reportedly told InTouch Magazine.
InTouch Magazine hasn’t always been reliable in the past, reporting
some of Beyoncé false pregnancies in the past – but with this one,
they’ve got a 50/50 chance on being either right or wrong. What do you
think they’ll be having?
Jason Derulo is Still Promoting that Album Nobody Bought " Photos"
Despite his extremely disappointing album sales, Jason Derulo is still promoting his latest project “Future History.”
The Pop singer hit the stage and performed yesterday (Wed. Oct 19) in Sydney, Australia
Derulo’s sophomore album “Future History” sold an embarrassing 13,000 copies (no typo) in its first week and debuted at No. 29 on the Billboard 200 albums chart.
In comparison, his self-titled debut album, released last year, sold only 42,000 in its first week, and debuted at No. 11, which is also pretty bad, but not as bad as 13K at No. 29.
Vybz Kartel Charged With Second Murder
Dancehall Artist Accused of Killing Clive Williams
Dancehall artist Vybz Kartel is facing a second murder charge in less
than a month. Constant Spring Criminal Investigation Branch detectives
have charged the artist, and Kiro Jones with the murder of Clive
"Lizard" Williams. Authorities say Williams was killed on August 16 of
this year in Havendale, St. Andrew.
The artist, born Adidja Palmer, was just charged with murder, illegal
possession of a firearm and conspiracy to commit murder just under a
month ago.
He's accused of conspiring to murder Barrington "Bossie" Burton, who was killed in Gregory Park.
T.I., B.o.B. Contemplating Album
says that he may be recording a collaborative album with fellow Atlanta
star B.o.B. The two Grand Hustle rappers have reportedly been recording
extensively together--and what was at first expected to be a simple
guest spot or two may become a full-fledged joint project.
"We've been goin' in. We're actually flirting with the idea of doin' an
album together called The Man and the Martian," he told MTV's Sway on
Shade 45. "We just been compiling material, he and I together, and it's
coming out real good."
Eminem and Royce Da 5'9, Waka Flocka Flame and Gucci Mane and, most
notably, Kanye West and Jay-Z have released joint albums in 2011.
"[Bad Meets Evil and Watch the Throne] did inspire me," he
said, "but I always have wanted to do a collaborative album. Even back
when Jay did that with R. Kelly. I spoke to Usher about doing one of
those before; the stars and the moon hadn't aligned appropriately."
"Even this, this is a conversation we had, this [album] is
just an idea," Tip added. "It's not set in stone, it's not concrete as
of yet."
Cote d'Ivoire : Réconciliation par la musique
Dans le cadre de la réconciliation nationale engagée en Côte d'Ivoire, Dj Mix 1er, organise un concert dénommé « regarde en haut pour la réconciliation de la jeunesse ivoirienne ». Ce sera le vendredi 11 novembre 2011, à la salle Anoumanbo du Palais de la culture de Treichville.
L'objectif de ce concert, selon ses initiateurs, est de permettre à la jeunesse ivoirienne divisée par la crise de se retrouver et se réconcilier autour de la musique. C'est également un appel aux uns et aux autres à aller de l'avant en construisant un pays fort avec une jeunesse unie. Et ce, autour d'un genre musical nouveau qui puisse lui permettre de regarder dans la même direction, celle de la réconciliation.
Rihanna se drogue en public
La chanteuse Rihanna, actuellement en tournée européenne, ne manque pas de s'offrir des petits plaisirs à chacun de ses voyages. A Londres, c'était les club de strip-tease, à Paris c'était les sex-shop (non pas le Louvre bizarrement) et à Amsterdam, forcément, ce fut les coffee-shops.
La pop star a en effet été vue sortant du Buldog Café, le premier établissement à avoir obtenu la licence pour vendre légalement du cannabis. Si elle a essayé de s'y rendre incognito dans un gros manteau et la tête couverte par une chapka, elle a quand même été démasquée.
27 oct. 2011
Kanye West Responds to the Negative Criticism About His New Women’s Wear Fashion Line
Kanye West doesn’t give a damn about the haters!
After debuting his new women’s wear fashion line Dw by Kanye West at Paris Fashion Week , the “Power” rapper had a few things to get off his chest about all the negative criticism he has been receiving.
“I’m feeling good.[...]Thank you for anybody that didn’t believe, because they motivated us to break our boundaries. We don’t know what the reviews will be, we don’t know what they will say, but I got a chance to go to Italy and feel those fabrics. I begged Louis Vuitton to let me do more shoes after my shoes sold out in two weeks, and they did not. I begged Nike, I begged this company to let me do it. And I took out motherf—ing loans to get the best models, to get the best designers, to get the best venue. I gave you everything that I had.Yeezy is always extremely passionate about whatever he does … and where there’s a will, there’s always a way! He’ll be alright.
“This is my first collection. Please be easy. Please give me a chance to grow. This is not some celebrity s—. I don’t f— with celebrities. I f— with the creatives in this room, the amazing people who spend every day of their life trying to make the world a more beautiful place.
“The amount of people that tried to get me a celebrity f—ing deal. They said, ‘You need to do boot-cut jeans, or you won’t sell.’ Shut the f— up ! Or Hedi Slimane in the motherf—ing Mercer, sitting with me, saying, ‘Stop giving them your ideas, Kanye. Do your own thing.’ Hedi Slimane! To feel so frustrated. And I thank anybody who came to this party, everybody who supported, everybody who believed, because people thought it was a joke, and maybe people still do, but I can only grow from this point.
Young Jeezy & T.I. Talk Watch The Throne Type Album
After T.I. revealed that he and B.o.B discussed a Watch the Throne-style
project, Young Jeezy is claiming that he and Tip considered the same
thing. During a Def Jam conference call yesterday, the Snowman said that
they chatted about a collaborative LP and that it has potential to
“My first option would be
Tupac, but he’s no longer here. Rest in peace to him. But me and Tip
were actually together and we chopped it up about it,” he said. “I don’t
know if it could really be in the making, but we just hit the ground
running and been doing so many records that I don’t think it’s
impossible. We’ve known each other enough to even put something like
that, and I definitely think the city would need it and does need it.
It’d be a good look. It’ll be an amazing album release party, by the
Drake Say’s He’s Happy At YMCMB Despite The Rumors
Drake made quite a few headlines when he announced his upcoming Club
Paradise Tour at the top of October, though it might not have been the
press he was looking for.
When Kendrick Lamar and A$AP Rocky, two
non-Young Money artists, were revealed as the tour's other acts, rumors
began to swirl that Drake is unhappy and wants to leave Lil Wayne's
label. "I never really know where those rumors stem from," Drake told
MTV News. "I'm really happy at Young Money; I really don't want to go
anywhere. Me and Wayne have a great relationship."
With the
lesser-known Room for Improvement and Comeback Season mixtapes under his
belt, Drake caught Weezy's attention through a mutual friend and was
invited out on tour with the YM boss several months before releasing his
breakout tape, So Far Gone. Under Wayne's tutelage, Drizzy Drake became
a star, but as big as he's gotten, he still salutes the man who put him
in prime position.
"At the end of the day, that's my boss. I'm
his soldier. I'm cool with that. I'm good with that," he said. "That's
the role I want to play. He put me here." In a separate interview with
MTV News, Wayne gave Drake his full support and offered Take Care a
glowing endorsement. "I can tell you now, I don't know nothing else out
there that can touch it, including my stuff.
That kid is on
another planet," he said of Drake's upcoming album. The OVO general also
pointed out the Young Money artists' ability to co-exist with one
another, despite all the individual success, counting Nicki Minaj, Lil
Wayne, Tyga and the rest of the crew as friends. But Drake also has
another group of friends, guys he grew up with in his native Toronto.
When he drops Take Care on November 15, through his music, Drake will
introduce you to his other crew.
"I spent a lot of time out there
[in Toronto]; that's what this album is about. That's what I'm gonna
showcase," Drake explained. "It's the same thing with the tour: I wanna
bring Kendrick, I wanna bring A$AP. Those are guys that I love. "It has
nothing to do with people on my label," he continued. "Tyga's out,
Nicki's working on an album, and everybody else is doing their thing on
the road with Wayne or with Wayne in the studio, so I just sort of
showcased the music that I happen to love right now, and those are the
two guys that I'm bringing out."
Angola : Cabo Snoop se produit au gala du Channel O
Le chanteur de kuduro Cabo Snoop animera le gala de la chaîne Channel O Music Video Awards 2011, prévu le 11 novembre prochain au centre de conventions Sandton, à Johannesbourg en Afrique du Sud. Outre le concert, Cabo Snoop est candidat au concours vidéo clip masculin avec son adversaire le sud africain L-Tido. D'autres artistes du top musique africaines sont également invités notamment le rapeur ougandais Keko, avec ses adversaires du hip-hop sud africains AKA et Kuli Chana.
Bande Dessinée à Lire : La vie de ma mère
Cette bande dessinée est l'adaptation d'un roman de thierry Joncquet. C'est l'histoire de kevin, un gamin d'une dizaine d'années un peu livré à lui-même dans une cité du quartier Belleville à Paris : il n'a pas connu son père, ses frères et soeurs sont partis faire leur vie, sa mère travaille de nuit comme standardiste et peine à joindre les deux bouts.
C'est une proie facile pour une bande de délinquants de quartier qui ont besoin d'un petit pour monter leurs coups.
Le mécanisme de cercle vicieux est disséqué avec précision, il est infernal et inévitable : l'enfant est incapable de prendre du recul et d'analyser clairement la situation.
Anthologie : 150 ans d'histoire des Noirs de France
Les Éditions La Découverte publieront le 3 novembre une anthologie consacrée à l'histoire des Noirs de la France depuis 150 ans selon le rédacteur en chef du magazine Respect Mag. Il sera intitulé La France noire. Trois siècles de présence des Afriques, des Caraïbes, de l'océan Indien et d'Océanie, le livre explore la mémoire de cette France noire en interrogeant son passé, ses errances et sa créativité.
Livre d'histoire et de mémoire, ce document d'une importance considérable réunit une vingtaine de spécialistes, dont Françoise Vergès, Achille Mbembe, François Durpaire et Elikia M'Bokolo. Leur apport, soutenu par de nombreux documents inédits et des coupures historiques consacrées entre autres au Code noir et à l'abolition de l'esclavage, permettra de découvrir l'histoire des populations noires d'Afrique et des Antilles. De l'histoire militaire et des différents flux migratoires à celle du mouvement associatif, du théâtre, du cinéma, des enjeux liés à la colonisation et à l'esclavage, sans oublier les problématiques les plus contemporaines autour de la question noire.
à travers ses 360 pages, soulève aussi la question de la citoyenneté
des Noirs de France et ce que signifie être « noir » en France
aujourd'hui, d'où que l'on vienne. Les auteurs espèrent qu'à travers
cette publication, le grand public découvrira cette histoire qu'il
ignore et que les médias puiseront dans la multiplicité de ces passés
pour éclairer le présent.
du programme, la revue Africultures publiera en décembre 2011 un numéro
spécial qui donnera à lire la diversité des cultures noires en France :
Cultures noires en France ? Être artiste noir en France au XXIe siècle.
26 oct. 2011
Samsung Galaxy Note : Première Vidéo
La première publicité en vidéo du Samsung Galaxy Note, le grand smartphone ou petite tablette à écran 5.3 pouces de Samsung équipé d’un stylet.
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