24 oct. 2011

Mariah and Nick with Dem Babies

Mariah and Nick gave the world a glimpse of their twins Monroe and Morrocan last night on ABC’s 20/20 with Barbara Walter.  During the 10 minute segment, the pair gushed over how they first met (Nick had been crushing on Mariah for years) and showed off their lavish homes, including their 12,000 square foot penthouse apartment in New York. Mariah also talked her initial fear of getting married again after her first trip down the aisle to record executive Tommy Motola.
There was an awkward, uncomfortable moment when Barbara Walters asked Mariah if she could trust Nick, and she casually looked over at him and said “sometimes.” Nick was just as surprised as Barbara, but Mariah quickly smoothed things over by saying that she does trust him. She discussed her first miscarriage which she detailed as  emotionally “really painful and said that thepublic was kept in the dark about her long period’s of bed rest, false labors, several emergency trips to the hospital during this labor.

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