8 mars 2012

Stop Kony Campaign

Joseph Kony, the leader of Uganda’s bloody and lawless Lord's Resistance Army, is under the world’s microscope after a documentary bearing his name has become the most watched film across the internet.

STORY: The 411 On The #StopKony Movement! Invisible Children's latest film, KONY 2012, directed by Jason Russell, aims to make this year Joseph Kony's last as the leader of Africa's longest running insurgency. 

STORY: Barack Obama Takes The Fight To The Lord's Resistance Army And Deploys Troops To Africa The bloodshed and violence he spawned in Uganda has elevated him to one of the world’s most wanted fugitives. 

 In 2005, Kony was indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, but has succeeded in evading capture. He has even come to the attention of President Obama, who last year authorized the deployment of approximately 100 combat-equipped U.S. troops to central Africa to help in ousting Kony.

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