16 juil. 2013

Chris Brown's Probation Revoked

Chris Brown's probation in relation to his assault on Rihanna in 2009 has been revoked.

He has not been taken into custody, instead being released on his own recognizance. 
TMZ reports that he must appear in court again in August, when the judge will decide whether he violated his probation.

The judge's decision came after the L.A. County District Attorney applied for Brown's probation to be revoked as a consequence of the hit-and-run charges brought against him last month.

The other party in the alleged hit and run reportedly does not want Brown prosecuted, but the district attorney is arguing that Brown has violated his probation regardless of whether that case goes forward, as he was supposed to obey all laws as a term of it.

The star has tweeted his annoyance at the suggestion that he did not provide the correct information following the collision in May, posting: "I did everything I was suppose to do during the so called hit n run, I provided the correct info. There were no injuries or damages. C'mon!!"
Writing on Twitter previously about the incident, he said: "It's not a hit and run if u get out the car, exchange information (who has NO DAMAGE to either cars).This is really ridiculous,"

"I have a valid drivers license and I gave the woman the right info. She saw cameras and wanted to make a scene,"

"She contacted the cops thinking of a payday from Chris Brown when I followed the proper procedures."
If it is found that Brown has violated his probation, he could face up to four years in prison.

Below footage of Brown in court as his probation is revoked:

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