18 juil. 2013

Nelly Blasts Kobe Bryant, Says No One Will Play With Him

St. Louis rapper, Nelly, was on ESPN’s “First Take” and went off on Kobe Bryant, blaming him for the Lakers misfortune of a first round exit, and Dwight Howard bolting to Houston.
Take this for what it’s worth, but the “Hot In Herre” got heated in a 10 minute debate of sorts (screaming match?) with Stephen A. Smith when the discussion of Dwight Howard leaving the Lakers came up. 
Nelly makes strong accusations against Kobe, saying that nobody wants to play with the future Hall Of Fame scoring guard and that is why Dwight left.  He then implies that the Black Mamba didn’t want Phil Jackson to return to as the Lakers head coach last season because if he wanted Phil back he could have pulled some strings to make it happen. 
Never one to need much of a reason, Stephen A. goes off on Nelly and several times accuses him of being “blasphemous” by talking about Bryant with such irreverence.  Read a few of the choice interactions below, or check out the full fifteen minute video if you’re into hearing heated tirades. 

Nelly: Who wants to play with Kobe?

Stephen A. Smith: Oh you’re about to go blasphemous!

Nelly: You see that, that reaction right there is the reason the Lakers are in the state they’re in right now.  I’m not blaming Kobe, but who has every blamed Kobe.  Has Kobe ever been held responsible for any of the actions? [...]

You’re trying to tell me Kobe Bryant couldn’t have put a phone call in to get Phil Jackson two more days?  I think he didn’t want Phil Jackson.  I think he’s that type of person that he was trying to prove that he could win a ring without [Phil Jackson]. [..]

You got five rings, you should be a coach on the floor...why does everyone sweep 2006 under the rug?  2006, [he] was up 3-1 on the [Suns].

Why is it no free agents knocking on the door wanting to play with Kobe Bryant?

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