3 nov. 2011

Gucci Mane Still in Jail After Being Denied Sentence Reduction

Gucci Mane won’t be getting out of jail early, or anytime soon for that matter. (Somebody please letWaka Flocka  know!)
The “Lemonade” rapper appeared in court on Friday and was denied a reduction in his jail sentence.
According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Davis’ attorneys attempted to get his sentence cut in half by offering to have the 31-year-old emcee stage a concert on behalf of the DeKalb County Battered Women’s Shelter.
But DeKalb State Court Judge Eleanor Ross was not moved, saying, “I don’t think it would be appropriate to let him out just because he’s a rapper.” Gucci has also been hit with a civil suit from the victim, who identified him by that retarded ice cream cone tattoo on his face.
“He thinks the rules don’t apply to him,” the victim’s attorney stated.
Well damn … the Guc really messed up big this time!!

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