9 avr. 2012

Whithey Houston’s Final Autopsy Report Reveals Shocking Details About Her Death

The final autopsy report for Whitney Houston has finally been released, revealing more shocking details about the singer’s tragic death. 

 According to the highly detailed 42-page report, which gives a detailed description of the state of Whitney’s room when officials arrived, a spoon with a “white powdery substance” and a “crystal-like substance” on it was found in the hotel room. 

 “Located in the top drawer, in the north side of the counter were remnants of a white powdery substance, and a portable mirror on a base,” the autopsy report states. Officials also found more white powder near the hotel room mirror. The report says that Whitney’s body was discovered face down in the bathtub with a “bloody purge coming from her nose” at the Beverly Hilton hotel by her assistant/manager Pat Houston, who had just left the room for a moment to run an errand.

 One of the most shocking pieces of information alludes to the idea that Houston was standing outside her bathtub, had a seizure, then fell face forward into the tub, causing trauma to her forehead, chest and upper lip, which was all noted in the report. By the time Houston was found, she had likely been dead for at least an hour.    

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